Wider roads, not flyovers

The debate is brewing over Congresswoman Rachel del Mar’s proposal to put up additional flyovers in the city.

Some sectors of society, in particular members of the Ban-Tal task force headed by businessman Bunny Pages, are not inclined to support the building of flyovers. They are proposing instead the widening of roads and establishment of alternate routes to solve our traffic woes.

Flyovers affect the business establishments and have never been found effective in easing traffic in Cebu or elsewhere in our country. A classic example is the Banuilad-Talamban flyover.

I suggested that a master plan should be made by traffic and urban development experts to propose a solution of the traffic problem of Metro Cebu. Our politicians should sit down and spare some of their time to discuss and analyze the best solutions.

At present there is a P1.2-billion budget allocated for the proposed flyovers in the city, which many believe could be put to better use if road widening is entertained.

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The beautification of Osmeña Boulevard initiated by the city government with Mariquita Salimbangon-Yeung and with some of the prominent Cebuanas would be the best test of a public-private partnership’s viability in accomplishing things for the city.

Yeung and her group are responding to the call of Mayor Rama to beautify especially the boulevard sidewalks. It is expected that the sidewalk pavement will be leveled and lights will be installed to keep help keep strollers safe especially at night.

This movement should be encouraged and supported because it is noble and laudable. The project involves the governor of Cebu and some private establishments in taking care of areas from the Capitol down to Fuente Osmeña and all the way to the juction of Sanciangko Street.

What will happen to the sidewalk vendors? I was informed that they will not be displaced but their stalls will be beautified with uniform colors. The vendors as in Olongapo City will be utilized as peacekeeping agents.

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Funny but the helicopters brought as brand new by the Philippine National Police turned out to be second-hand ones once allegedly owned by the former first gentleman Mike Arroyo.

The senators who investigated the sale of the choppers were very suspicious. Why were they misrepresented as new when in fact they weren’t?

Yesterday in the banner story of the Inquirer it was revealed that the choppers were bought by Mike in 2003 and used in the campaign for his wife Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s campaign in the 2004 presidential elections.

After the elections they reportedly disposed of the choppers and misrepresented it as brand-new so that it could be bought by the PNP at a brand-new prices.

I think the sale should be declared null and void and the amount returned to the government because clearly there was a misrepresentation.

A criminal case can also be filed against those involved in the anomalous sale specifically the officers of the PNP and the former first gentleman to stop all these shenanigans in government transactions.

This must be a lesson to all that all anomalous transactions in government will eventually get uncovered and no one will be spared in the prosecution.