Police Files

Man stabs brod

A 20-YEAR-OLD man was stabbed and wounded by his older brother following an argument inside their house in barangay Lawaan I, Talisay City, southern Cebu, last Friday night.

Jovanni Empuerto, 20, sustained a stab wound in the abdomen.

Neighbors rushed Empuerto to the Talisay City District Hospital while the suspect, Jose Empuerto, 27, fled after the incident.

Police said the two men argued on who should take care of their ailing mother.

At the height of the argument, Jose ran to the kitchen, took a knife and attacked his brother./CORRESPONDENT GABRIEL C. BONJOC

Pa found hanging  dead

A 56-YEAR-OLD man was found hanging dead in his home in barangay Pakigne, Minglanilla town, southern Cebu.

Joseph De Rio was found by his daughter suspended from a beam with an electrical wire tied around his neck.

The man was the only one at home as his wife and daughter were at work when the alleged suicide occurred, said police.

Police said the man had been complaining that he was a burden to his family for his failure to find a job, said PO1 Mikki Carlo Plarisan, desk officer of the Minglanilla po lice./CORRESPONDENT GABRIEL C. BONJOC