USCBHABA Finals set to begin today

THE BATTLE for supremacy in the University of San Carlos Boys High Alumni Basketball Association reaches fever pitch today as the best-of-three finals series in divisions 1 and 2 commences over at the USC North gym along Mango Avenue.

Clashing for the title in division 2 are batches 2002 and 2004 with the games starting at 3 p.m. Following that match is the opening salvo of the finals series in division 1 with batches 1988 and 1986 duking it out.

Beforehand, a pair of matches for third place honors will take place. Batches 1984 and 1991 will play for third in division 1 while 2000 and 1999 take on one another in the third place game in division 2. /Correspondent Jonas Panerio