UPnians conduct poker for a cause

THE University of the Philippines (UP) Latagaw Brotherhood Foundation Inc. will hold a Texas No Limit Hold ’em Poker Tournament for a Cause during its 39th founding anniversary today.

The group is responsible for the creation of famous Latagaw Cup sports tournament in Diliman, Iloilo, and Cebu campuses.

A total prize of P80,000 plus trophies await the top 5 finishers of the tournament.

The proceeds will fund the various outreach programs of the UP Cebu community.

The tournament will be held at 4 p.m. at the Metro Card Club Cebu on AS Fortuna Street, Bakilid, Mandaue City.

Tickets are available at the venue at P1,500 (playing chips) inclusive of snack, drinks, giveaway and raffle. They may contact Al at (0922) 8620822 for ticket reservations.

All UP alumni and friends are invited to join and support the cause of UP Latagaw.