UN body backs DOT in typhoon Pablo relief efforts

THE United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) pledged to support the Department of Tourism (DOT) in light of the aftermath of typhoon Pablo.

In his letter dated Dec. 11 to Tourism Secretary Ramon Jimenez Jr., UNWTO Secretary General Taleb Rifai offered his “sincere and heartfelt sympathies to the Filipino people, particularly those who have lost their loved ones.”

“The UNWTO is ready to support you and your department, and I would like to personally assure you and the tourism sector of [our] readiness to assist during this difficult time,” Rifai added.

Secretary Jimenez said he was grateful for the UNWTO support and is looking forward to secure its help in rebuilding the sectors that were badly hit.

“The recent events make us think of our most valuable resources. Our environment and our people are of utmost importance. The Department of Tourism is one with the country in offering prayers for those whose homes and livelihood have been destroyed, and more so for those who have lost their loved ones,” Jimenez added.

Meanwhile, the DOT has initiated its own relief operations and encouraged all industry members to join in.

Tourism-oriented establishments may send their contributions to the Office of the Undersecretary for Tourism Regulation, Coordination and Resource Generation at Room 205, DOT Building, T.M. Kalaw St., Ermita, Manila. They may also call 5249841 and 5238411 local 179 or 185.