Lapu’s elderly, PWDs get cash gifts

SENIOR  citizens of Lapu-Lapu City received P1,500 cash assistance while persons with disabilities (PWD) received P1,000 and two kilos of rice from their local government units.

At least 15,000 senior citizens and about a thousand persons with disabilities in the city will have  extra cash this Christmas.

Lapu-Lapu City Mayor Paz Radaza  distributed the cash gifts to at least 300 senior citizens in barangay Agus yesterday.

“We are happy our cash gift was increased from P1,000 to P1,500, but we wish  it would be like Cebu City’s assistance, which is P4,000,” said Felicisimo Hortelano, 70, of sitio Ibabao, barangay Agus.

Cebu City’s senior citizens were given  P3,000 each last June and another P4,000 before Christmas./Correspondent Fe Marie D. Dumaboc