Mubarak’s two sons to be detained for two weeks—state TV

CAIRO—The sons of Egypt’s former president Hosni Mubarak, Alaa and Gamal, have been placed in detention for two weeks under an inquiry into the use of force against demonstrators during the uprising in January and February, state television reported Wednesday.

“It has been decided to imprison Gamal and Alaa for two weeks for the needs of the inquiry,” the report said.

They are accused of incitement to fire at demonstrators during the revolution that lasted from January 25 till February 11 when their father reluctantly stepped down. Nearly 800 people died during the uprising.

A security source said the pair were heading for the Tora prison in Cairo from the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh where they were interrogated.

The ousted president went into intensive care in Sharm el-Sheikh, shortly after suffering a heart attack during questioning by prosecutors on Tuesday, state media reported.