Police Files


A MEMBER of the Armed Forces was killed after the gun he was cleaning went off inside a barracks in barangay Dunggo-an in Danao City, northern Cebu.

Staff Sgt. Rolly Samson of  Negros Occidental, was found sprawled on the floor of the barracks with a gunshot wound in the head past 5 p.m. last Sunday.

Samson was a member of the Echo Company, 52nd Infantry, 8th Infantry Division.

Police said according to some soldiers, they were playing basketball when they heard a gunshot from the barracks.

The soldiers found the bloodied Samson on the floor.

Recovered near Samson was a .45 pistol with two live bullets and and an empty shell of .45 caliber pistol./CORRESPONDENTS JOY CHERRY S. QUITO AND GABRIEL C. BONJOC


A POLICEMAN was arrested on a  charge of child abuse and for allegedly mauling his wife last year.

PO3 Diego Abad was arrested yesterday at the headquarters of the Police Regional Office in Central Visayas (PRO-7) by  the Guadalupe police station.

Abad was the subject of an arrest warrant issued by Regional Trial Court (RTC) Judge Bienvenido Saniel.

Two counts of child abuse and violence against women and children were filed against the policeman.

The policeman was accused of mauling his two children and wife in their house in barangay Guadalupe.

The court set P4,000 in bail for the policeman’s temporary liberty./CORRESPONDENT CHITO O. ARAGON


A THIRD year college student complained  that his motorcycle was stolen while he was in  class in barangay Looc, Mandaue City.

Regalado Seterra, 21, a marine transportation student at the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu-Mandaue Campus, told police that he parked his Honda XRM motorcycle with plate number GN-4233 beside Pables Junkshop in A.C. Cortes Avenue while he attended his class around 9 a.m. last Monday.

When he returned at 1:30 p.m.,the motorcycle was gone along with his driver’s license and P1,000 cash that he said was left inside the utility box.

The  motorcycle was valued at P87,000. /CORRESPONDENT FE MARIE D. DUMABOC