2 men waited for 2 hours

What the Pacific Villa security camera shows

IN the CCTV footage presented by police, both the gunman and his accomplice were seen lingering in the vicinity of the Pacific Villa subdivision gate for two hours before the Oct. 31 ambush.

6:30 AM – The accomplice arrives near the gate. He wears a black black ball cup, jeans and a gray t-shirt.

At one point he walks up to the camera at the gate, apparently unaware it is there. His face is clearly captured on film. He later waits near a sari-sari store.

6:37 AM The gunman appears, carrying a backpack. He walks toward the accomplice, passing him. The gunman, wearing a red shirt, sits several meters away from the accomplice.

(Video enhancement is being done to reveal his features.)

8:12 AM The accomplice is standing next to the exit gate.

Upon seeing the white Dodge Durango drive out, he raises his hands, walking around, and faces the gunman on the other side of the road. Police say this gesture could have been a signal to the assasin that the targets had arrived.

The gunman fired six times with a .38 caliber revolver. Four bullets pierced the vehicle door. One hit the mirror. One bullet struck Lee who was at the wheel, and later hit Jung seated at the back.

The CCTV camera recorded the accomplice holding a .45 caliber revolver. He transferred the gun from his right hand to his left, and gestured to the gunman as if signalling him to pull out of the area.

The accomplice later fired his gun at the ground while running after the gunman.

“He may have done that to lay down an alibi that he wasn’t part of the crime because he tried to fire at the gunman,” said Lawas.

But the Lapu-Lapu police chief said the gunman was only five to six meters away and could have been easily shot if the second man truly was trying to stop the assasin.

“Maigo raman jud to niya kay duol ra kaayo sila,” said Lawas.

The gunman walked quickly to a parked motorycyle and drove away.

But this didn’t happen right away. Witnesses told police it took the gunman a few minutes to start the motorcycle, a delay factor that makes the actions of the second man all the more suspicious.