Storm Sandy sends cruise on unscheduled stop in Quebec

A pelican flies with the wind produced by hurricane Sandy’s outer bands at Haulover Beach on Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012 in Miami. Florida’s officials are warning residents and visitors of dangerous rip currents as Hurricane Sandy moves north. AP

MONTREAL—A towering 15-story cruise ship carrying Florida-bound passengers took refuge Sunday in a scenic Quebec fjord to escape Hurricane Sandy’s fury as it moves up the US east coast.

The Emerald Princess set out Saturday for Florida from Quebec City. But instead of cruising to ports in New England as scheduled, it has been sent up the Saguenay, off the St Lawrence River.

“Due to the presence of Hurricane Sandy and the impact it will have on the New England area, the port calls to Bar Harbor, Boston and Newport, Rhode Island have been cancelled,” the cruise company said in a statement.

After its unexpected stop in Saguenay, the vessel with about 2,900 passengers and a crew of 1,000 will sail on to Newfoundland Monday and stay along the St Lawrence Gulf until the storm passes New York, Princess spokeswoman Julie Benson told AFP.

Meanwhile, locals have greeted the crowd of unexpected visitors with plenty of smiles and a local specialty: blueberry pie with maple syrup. Saguenay’s scenic riverside cliffs are good protection from storms.

Hurricane Sandy shadowed the east coast of the United States Sunday, raking the Carolinas with stinging rains and high waves as authorities braced for the potentially devastating “Frankenstorm” days before the US presidential election on November 6.