2 men found dead in Lapu, Mandaue

A 34-YEAR-OLD man, who had tried to commit suicide in the past, was found hanging dead from a guava tree in barangay Kalawisan, Lapu-Lapu City.

Police said there were no open wounds or signs of foul play in the death of Sherwin Tumulak, who used  plastic straw rope to hang himself.

The victim’s father Sylvester found his lifeless son past 5 a.m. last Thursday.

The father said he couldn’t  think of a reason  for his son to take his life.

He said Sherwin   tried to commit suicide four times last year when he was drunk by slashing his wrist, hanging himself  with a belt and drinking a bottle of paint thinner.

The night before he was found dead, Sherwin and his live-in partner argued when the woman asked him to stop drinking.

In barangay Tabok, Mandaue City, a supervisor in a law firm was found dead  in his rented room around 6 a.m. yesterday.

Ricky Patrona, 37, a native of Iloilo City,  worked at Lauron delos Reyes and Partners Law Firm.

Police said the man was  slumped on the floor where he was found by  female co-workers who went there to  bring him some milk.

The cause of death was not yet established but police said they found no signs of foul play.

The day before he was found, Patrona was brought to a hospital for  high fever and boils in his body.

The co-workers told police they forced open the door when Patrona didn’t respond after they repeatedly knocked, according to  PO3 Gilbert dela Cruz of the Mandaue City police’s Investigation and Detection Management Branch./CORRESPONDENTS NORMAN V. MENDOZA AND JUCELL MARIE P. CUYOS