2 killed in Cebu City shootings

A car watcher and an eatery owner were killed in separate shooting incidents in Cebu City last Saturday.

Police are still investigating possible motives in the killing of Danilo Flores and Glen Dover Entice.

Flores, 52, was standing in front of a carwash shop when he was shot in the chest around 2 p.m. in barangay Sto. Niño.

Flores died on the spot.

PO2 Nilo Aventurado of the Cebu City Police Office said a motorcycle with two men on board stopped in front of Flores. The backrider drew a gun and without warning shot the victim.

The assailants drove off after the attack.

Two hours later, motorcycle-riding assailants also struck in barangay Calamba.

Entice was inside his eatery  in front of a cemetery when he was attacked.

While Entice was preparing food when a motorcycle with two men on board arrived.

The backrider then shot the victim several times,

PO4 Joel Suello said the assailants wore white T-shirts and jackets with hoods./CORRESPONDENT JOY CHERRY S. QUITO