Steal away

About 8 years ago  my career was in the doldrums.  Suddenly work became drudgery. I felt like I was doing my best yet the people I was servicing didn’t appreciate it but looked for loopholes.

I wanted to just disappear like a bubble bursting in the air. I even wanted go to a place where no one knew me and do the most menial tasks like  dishwashing or putting petrol into people’s cars. I didn’t want to do work that required thinking anymore.

Except for my three children who continued to inspire me daily, everything else seemed exhausting to do. I felt like I was working for nothing, going nowhere and stuck in a routine. Such was the heaviness in my heart that I just wanted to steal away.

It was a gnawing feeling similar to those days after we laid my husband to rest. Everything seemed empty and meaningless but I had to wake up every morning and move.

I didn’t get the chance to go to a far away place. But I did spend some days in a retreat house and on my birthday, at sunrise, I was on top of Mt. Manunggal. It was refreshing to simply be “me”, introspect and commune with God. No wonder there’s such a   thing as a  “sabbatical”. These are moments to reenergize and just rest from work.

When God created the world, He himself rested and ceased from his labor on the seventh day which is the foundation of the work “sabbatical”.

Today, “sabbatical” has come to mean any extended absence in the career of an individual in order to achieve something. For example, one takes a sabbatical to write a book or do extensive research.

But I needed my rest not for anything grand but just to put myself together again as a person. I felt I owe it to go back to myself and give my heart and mind a rest. Nothing earth-shaking—just stealing away from a world where there is never enough time in a day and if only we can do it — have more than 24 hours a day; where technology permeates lifestyle. I felt the need to find time to steal away and just “be” with God.  I had to let Him have my time, to enter my heart and to give me direction.

My favorite king of all times, King David, sought God daily before he went into battle. He made time to talk to God either noisily through songs and dances or quietly, in his heart.

In the months to come,  I decided to quit my work  to have more time with my family and do my bucket list – things I  long wanted to do but didn’t have the time, or shall I say, didn’t make time for.

Fast forward, from King David’s lineage came Jesus our Savior. In his three years ministering to people, He made time to go always to a solitary place. People would look for him, follow him and when they found him, they tried to keep him from leaving. I can imagine the stress physically and emotionally!

But He would consistently steal away to be alone and be intimate with His Father and only a select few times does He take someone along.

This is something we can do in times of dryness and fatigue. Set a ‘quiet time’ with God as a daily priority. I know it’s difficult with all the noise around us, but try writing a time of appointment with God. Things not written are often forgotten.

Then look for a place in your home, neighborhood, or community that can easily be your place to talk with the Lord. I remember stealing away from work and going to the restroom (this is the best place to be  without people distracting me) just to breathe slowly, sing to God and talk to Him.

Have a list of the people and things you want to pray about. When we don’t dwell so much on ourselves but pray for others, there is more peace and satisfaction. I do this first thing in the morning, or while riding a jeeney or driving. Instead of ogling  people, my quiet time is praying silently for each person around me.

Stealing away from the noise around prepares our hearts to “hear” God speak to us. It’s making God get an appointment to speak to us.

And because we’ve made time with Him a priority, He will create order in our lives. He is a God of order and He will find ways to make the things hassling us work.

I saw a  cable TV program that shows people the worldly ways to prepare for doomsday like training with special weapons, stacking up food underground, etc.

If meeting God is the ultimate event, the best way to prepare is to fill our life with quiet moments to hear His voice. This shows we solely rely on Him. Stealing away from the noisy world and seeking God instead is putting the day in His control before it gets out of control.

I believe this is the best way to be ready for whatever comes, doomsday or whatever.