Bank donates books to Bo. Luz ES

IN celebration of its 17th anniversary, Chinatrust Philippines, a subsidiary of the largest and most awarded bank in Taiwan, recently turned over a fully-refurbished library and a thousand brand new storybooks to Barrio Luz Public Elementary School in Cebu City.

The donation is part of the Bank’s “Better Readers. Brighter Future” reading and literacy enhancement program that was launched in September 2011 in partnership with National Book Store Foundation Inc. (NBSFI).

Prior to the turnover ceremony, employees from both Chinatrust and NBSFI trooped to Barrio Luz to undertake the painting and refurbishing of the school’s library and fixtures.

Pro Builders and Express Inn, clients of Chinatrust, also donated tiles and worked on tiling the library’s flooring.

To date, Chinatrust has donated over six thousand books to nine beneficiary public elementary schools across the country, including Barrio Luz.