Rama taps Gwen’s help for fish market strategy

To prevent the entry of illegally caught fish in Cebu City market, Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama has asked Cebu Gov. Gwendolyn Garcia to request town mayors to issue a certification that would signify their towns as the source of fish and other marine products in city markets.

Rama asked for the issuance of an Executive Order (EO) for the purpose.

“I would like to recommend that the Provincial Executive Order must contain directives compelling them to strictly monitor the fishing activities and exact full compliance with our maritime and fishery laws in their respective municipalities by hiring and assigning their own personnel who will examine or inspect fish and other marine products caught in their municipalities,” said Rama’s letter to Garcia.

The mayor’s request to Garcia resulted from a petition signed by Pasil fish dealers who wanted certainty that the fish they would buy from suppliers and sell in the market would be from legitimate origin.

“This is also part of our market denial strategy,” said market administrator Raquel Arce.

She said that Cebu City fish vendors especially source their fish and other marine products from the northern town of Cebu. Others come from the provinces of Negros and Zamboanga.