De Lima alarmed over Zaldy Ampatuan’s stay in hospital

Justice Secretary Leila de Lima expresses alarm over suspended ARMM Governor Zaldy Ampatuan’s decision to stay in a private hospital for hypertension and diabetes despite a court order that he be treated as an out-patient. File photo by Philippine Daily Inquirer, Video by’s Danica Hermogenes

MANILA, Philippines – Justice Secretary Leila de Lima has expressed alarm over suspended governor Zaldy Ampatuan’s stay in a private hospital despite a court order and disclosed that the prosecution has filed its opposition against this latest move by one of prime suspects in the Maguindanao massacre.

“Diyan kami ngayon naalarma, [This is alarming us],” De Lima said, adding that she shares the sentiments and the concern of the private prosecutors and victims of the November 2009 killings because Ampatuan has been confined at the Philippine Heart Center since Wednesday  night.

She said Ampatuan of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) could immediately be considered a “flight risk”, being a high- profile detainee.

“The court’s order yesterday [Wednesday] that he should be an out-patient was very clear. I’m wondering why he [Ampatuan] was not returned,” De Lima said.

De Lima said that Ampatuan was not allowed to stay in a private hospital because he has not been arraigned. “The government doctors should check on him, not private doctors.”

She added that government doctors should certify under oath if he needed to stay in a hospital.

She said that at 7 p.m. Wednesday, a written opposition from the prosecution was sent to Judge Jocelyn Solis-Reyes of the Quezon City regional trial court Branch 221, which is trying the Ampatuans for the deaths of 57 people in Maguindanao in November 2009.

“I just talked to [Department of Interior and Local Government] Secretary [Jesse] Robredo and he really wanted the return of Ampatuan,” she said.

De Lima said she was questioning the implementation of the order by Ampatuan. “Out-patient is out-patient, dapat balik agad sa kulungan [he should be returned to jail immediately].”