Dutch, 4 Filipinos in cyber sex sued

CEBU CITY—A Dutch and four Filipino women were charged with human trafficking for operating a cybersex den in Consolacion, northern Cebu.

The complaint for violation of the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 was filed at the Cebu Provincial Prosecutor’s Office on Friday following a raid on the apartment used as a cybersex den.

Two female performers were arrested during the raid and tagged the Dutch as the financier of the cybersex operation and two women as his managers.

The Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) in Central Visayas included the two performers in the complaint filed against the Dutch and the two managers.

The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act mandates the confidentiality of the identities of both victims and respondents.

The regional CIDG conducted a raid last Wednesday after receiving information that the apartment in Bamboo Hills, Consolacion, was being used for cybersex operations.

Two women were caught in the act performing sex acts in front of a webcam.

Among those seized in the raid were two desktop computers, a webcam and sex toys.

Three men, who were in the apartment, were brought to the CIDG station and were tapped as witnesses.

In an affidavit, one of the men said he was recruited by the Filipina manager to work in an Internet cafe and would receive P15,000 every 15 days.

He said he was surprised when he was asked to striptease in front of the webcam. <strong><em>Edison delos Angeles and Ador Mayol, Inquirer Visayas</em></strong>