School sued for posting warning photo

A DAMAGE suit was filed in the the Regional Trial Court against a private school in Carcar City over a photo of man with the caption “Beware of this person” posted in its guard house.

Spouses Raul and Floriza Montuya asked the court to order St. Catherine College to pay them P500,000 in damages for shaming them with the posted warning.

Raul’s photo was posted on the wall of the guard house of the school.

The Montuya couple said they wanted to settle the issue with school but was told by the school administration that the photo was put there to take “care of hundreds of children and teachers.”

Raul was earlier arrested for a particular offense.

“The defendant (St. Catherine College) has blemished and put to shame very grievously the plaintiffs by posting his pictures with his name and address and with the warning to the general public by saying ‘beware of this person’,” said the plantiffs through their lawyer Marcelo Bacalaso./Reporter Ador Vincent Mayol