Sinkholes seen effects of 7.6 Visayas quake

MAYDOLONG, Eastern Samar—Three sinkholes, which can entomb two-story houses, appeared in a remote village here, a day after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook Eastern Visayas on Friday.

“We’re really surprised to discover these sinkholes,” said Ben Busa, 40, a resident of Barangay Omawas. “We also feared that these might expand. That is why we are asking experts to look into this.”

The sinkholes, which have a depth of four to six meters and a diameter of four to six meters, are 20 meters away from the seashore of Omawas, facing the Pacific Ocean. The village has a population of close to 1,000 and is 3 kilometers from the town proper.

Amida said the area had been cordoned off for fear that people might fall into it. Village watchmen have been assigned to guard it.

Mayor Henry Afable, in a phone interview on Wednesday, said he had asked the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) regional office to provide them information on sinkholes. “We are anxious to hear from the MGB what the sinkholes are and if these pose danger to residents,” he said.