Goldberry Suites end elims with win

MANY-TIME champions Goldberry Suites are headed to the playoffs with a clean slate after they finished the elimination round with a 58-47 win over Japfa in the Sacred Heart Ateneo Alumni Basketball Athletic Association last Thursday night at the SHS-AdC basketball courts along Mango Avenue, Cebu City.

Japfa put up a gallant fight against the veteran-laden squad as it led, 33-27, at halftime.

However, Goldberry steadily chipped away at the lead and made its move in the fourth period, where Jeremy Huang scored eight of his 14 points to push the team to the win.  Dave Lim and Paulsen Uy added 12 points each.

In other games, Dynamic Power seized the second seed after they defeated Fiesta Cebuana, 70-31 while the Cebu Landmasters beat Insular Square, 64-49.

RDAK also registered a 73-61 win over Twin Tower Gold even as Twin Tower Blue slipped by the A-Team, 58-57. /Correspondent Jonas Panerio