Guidance group sets assembly

THE Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association (PGCA) Cebu Chapter will hold its 10th general assembly and seminar workshop at the Cebu Normal University on Sept. 27 and 28 with the theme “Trauma and disaster management: Capacity building for counseling practitioners.”

Dr. Benedicta Lascano of UP Diliman and PGCA national president, will discuss the PGCA Vision 2020 and will conduct a workshop on psychological interventions for disaster survivors. There will also be four paper presentations and four simultaneous workshops related to the theme. Participants will earn continuing professional education (CPE) units.

Onsite registration is P1,800 for PGCA members and P2,000 for non members. Early bird registration is P1,500 for members and P1,700 for non members.

For inquiries, contact Portia Dacalos of UP Cebu at 2328185 and (0920) 9202144 or Terryzel Ramon at 2300100 local 318 and (0922) 4537072.