Headless body of missing pilot found after 3 months

MANILA, Philippines – A headless body wearing a flight suit believed to be one of the two missing pilots of a trainer craft that crashed in Mariveles, Bataan three months ago has been found, the Philippine Coast Guard said on Monday.

Citing initial reports, PCG Commander Vice Admiral Edmund Tan said the cadaver was in advanced state of decomposition when it was fished out by a fishmerman aboard F/Bca Bakery Sunday near La Monja Island between Corregidor and Mariveles.

“This could be the pilot of the Air Force trainer plane that crashed in the area last May,” he said.

The PAF had taken the body for identification, he said.

The two missing pilots onboard the PAF SF 260TP warrior plane that crashed in May were Major Neil Tumaneng and First Lieutenant Michael Arugay.