City officials should use Cremdec for trainings, says exec

CEBU City officials, department heads and employees need not go far for their trainings and seminars.

Allan Bautista, head of the Cebu City Resource Management and Development Center (Cremdec), said the officials could use the city government facility in the mountain barangay of Taptap.

Bautista said he was encouraging these city officials to train or hold their seminars there inside the city and it would help the city government earn.

He said that Cremdec, which sits on a 9.2 hectare reservation area in Taptap, western Cebu City, was earning  about P300,000 to P400,000 a month from private individuals and private companies, that hold their trainings and seminars there.

Bautista said that for now, Cremdec only has a training facility which can accommodate 45 people, who could hold their trainings and seminars there.

However, he said that the Cremdec property still lacked some additional dormitories with bathrooms.

The Department of Engineering and Public Works (DEPW) is now working on the program of works and estimates of the three-story building estimated to cost P9.2 million.

The Commission on Audit (COA) earlier questioned the travel of 32 staffers from the City Treasurers Office (CTO) led by city treasurer Ofelia Oliva for a team-building activity in Cagayan de Oro and Camiguin province from June 4 to 7, 2010.

COA said that the “team-building” activity where the city was made to spend P384,640 was held for “personal purpose.”

City hall department heads also had their recent performance evaluation in a resort in Cordova town.

Bautista said he does not know why city hall heads and employees would always prefer to travel outside of the city for their seminars and trainings.

He said the Cremdec facility was available for their seminars and trainings.

Cremdec also has functions as a satellite City Hall for mountain folks.

“We facilitate accessibility of city hall services to the upland barangays,” said Bautista.

Bautista said the services offered include applications for birth certificates, marriage certificates and other documents.

Mountain folks could  course their Veco payments through the Cremdec office, said Bautista./Chief of Reporters Doris C. Bongcac