Cyberporn, a new cancer

Whether or not the brand of vehicles  which seven  bishops got from the PCSO were Mitsubishi Pajeros, the donations should be looked into.  The Senate investigation confirmed that PCSO-funded vehicles were obtained as service vehicles.   (Only one bishop got a Mitsubishi SUV, a   Montero).

The  Philippine Constitution is  clear on the principle of separation of  Church and State and even bars  any church or priest from receiving funds or property from the government.

I understand the bishops’ position that  it would have been wiser not to accept or  solicit help from the previous administration to purchase  vehicles for their work especially since Catholic leaders are very  critical about gambling. Since the funds of the state-owned lottery come from gambling, it would appear hypocritical for the  Church to criticize gambling and still receive vehicles sourced from gambling.

I’m happy that some Catholic leaders are raising funds separately for the vehicle needs of  bishops. It is hoped that our faithful will help  priests meet the needs for pastoral services instead of letting the  Church receive  help from gambling.

I would also suggest that bishops concentrate on their priestly functions instead of asking the newly elected president to resign just because he received a vehicle from the previous administration.

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It seems cybersex  is the new cancer in communities,  especially  in  Cordova town.

Provincial police raided a cybersex den there last July 12 and  arrested three women  and three children.  Why is this  thriving in parts of Cebu and the country?

Some parents try to justify the activity saying  that “nothing” is done to their children, that they are not being touched or engaging in sex so there’s no harm . And they get paid  in dollars. But they shouldn’t  forget that they are using their children to expose their bodies to obscenity and immorality.

In the recent raid, one of the rescued children tried to protect her mother by  lying about her role when in fact the mother  was present when the children performed naked in from of a web camera.

Let me congratulate town officials headed by Cordova Mayor Adelino Sitoy for their  effort to curb cybersex activities despite the difficulty of entering private homes   to arrest  perpetrators and rescue the children. I think cybersex operations are being done in other towns as well.   It is hoped that  local governments conduct a campaign to stop this menace.

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Allow me to congratulate Cebu Gov.  Gwen Garcia for steering the provincial administration to a banner year with Cebu as the  “strongest, richest province” in the country.  I don’t think anyone can question that tag because it is  based on facts.

Garcia may not be the most loved governor in Cebu but the fact remains that she has done wondrous things for the province of Cebu. Some quarters  may question that but  Governor Gwen has shown her leadership in making Cebu top  all other provinces today.  I would let history judge her for what she has done for Cebu. She  has been very supportive of Cebu City Mayor Mike Rama  and plays an  important role in the city’s development  despite the opposition of Congressman Tommy Osmeña.

I think the Capitol’s Ciudad project is basically doing what is right and should proceed. Let the city government, particularly the city council, sue the developer so the legal issues holding it back will be resolved once and for all.

The issue involves the  right of the Capitol as land owner and the private developer Fifth Avenue to  develop the property  versus the right of the Cebu city government to ensure that public convenience and  traffic concerns are met.

I hope a compromise will be reached for the interest of public and not those of some parties.

Ramadhan 2011