Two drunk men survive fall from 30-foot high bridge

A DRUNK man who tried to stop his drunk companion from jumping off a 30-foot-high bridge in Escario Street, Cebu City ended up falling off the bridge with his friend.

Ricky Espinosa of barangay Pasil, Cebu City suffered at least a broken leg and had several body bruises, said Kamputhaw barangay administrator Welmane Gangaran.

Gangaran was at the scene when the Emergency Rescue Unit Foundation paramedics rescued Espinosa.

A certain Johnny, the man Espinosa tried to save, only suffered body bruises when he landed on the steps of the stone riprap about 15 feet below.

Police had to handcuff him to restrain the man when he tried to slam his head against a wall as enforcers approached him. Johnny is now detained at the police station.

Espinosa, meanwhile, landed 30 feet below on the riverbed in ankle-deep water and suffered more injuries than his friend.

Gangaran described both men as homosexuals, who were frequently seen in the barangay “caroling.”

Investigation showed that both men were having a drinking spree in a store near the bridge in Escario Street. Johnny was the first to walk to the edge of the bridge, planning to jump off. Espinosa tried to stop him but in the scuffle they both fell off the bridge./Correspondent Chito O. Aragon