Stepfather stabs sleeping 5-yr-old

A SLEEPING 5-year-old girl was stabbed by the lover of her mother in barangay Basak San Nicolas, Cebu City early morning yesterday.

Before the incident, the child’s 39-year-old mother and her live in partner Pedro Navares, 55 were having a drinking session in their house.

As the night wore on they engaged in a heated argument.

Witnesses said that as the quarrel escalated, the mother left their house to hide for fears of being hit by her lover.

Fuming over the walk out, the suspect called the mother to return home otherwise he will harm her two children aged 5 and 3-years-old who were then sleeping.

“Nitago man ko kay iya man ko dapatan og mag-away mi, mao nigawas ko, (I hid for fear of being hit, as he used to, when drunk.)” the mother told police investigators.

Moments later she heard her baby crying. When she rushed back, she saw her 5-year-old child in a pool of blood, with wounds in the left side of her small body.

The mother rushed her child to St. Anthony Mother and Child Hospital and reported the crime to police.

Responding police officers failed to catch the suspect who works as a newspaper vendor.

PO2 Leroy Baguio told Cebu Daily News that they are now conducting a manhunt operation against the suspect.

The 5-year-old child was later transferred to the Cebu City Medical Center where she is now recuperating./Correspondent Chito O. Aragon and Intern Jessa P. Omega