CFA Kasibulan grassroots program heads to Talisay

AFTER last weekend’s successful launching of the Cebu Football Association’s (CFA) first Kasibulan Football Grassroots Development Program in Danao City, grassroots development officer Eleazar Toledo continues to spread the program this time in Talisay City.

Toledo said that Merlyn Go and Rosner Bollozos of the Department of Education Talisay division promised to bring in 60 coaches and 500 kids for the program, which will start today at the Talisay Central School.

Attending today’s seminar and workshop for coaches are school principal and teachers, parents and young coaches.

In the Danao launching, 52 coaches showed up on the first day but only 47 finished the program due to lack of transportation. Danao’s Grassroots Course Festival also gathered more than 200 kids.

Although the number of participants was short of the target, Toledo said it was still successful because he was able to impart the program.

Danao will now be able to spread the program to the rest of its constituents. /CORRESPONDENT MARS G. ALISON