Japanese aikido master to hold workshop

AIKIDO enthusiasts and practitioners will get busy this weekend as Sensei Hitohiro Saito Soke of Japan will hold his annual workshop here in Cebu at the Baseline Restaurant and Recreation Center’s Olympic Hall.

Saito, the head of the Iwama Shi-shin Aiki Shurenkai Aikido in Japan will lead the workshop along with Seventh Dan Dennis Tatoian who is also the head of the Traditional Aikido Philippines.

Each session aims to preserve and share the great influence of Hitohiro sensei’s father Morihiro Saito while remaining faithful to the technical and spiritual heritage left by Aikido founder Morihei Ueshiba.

Saito will try to continually encourage to improve the martial art through the intensive and systematic practice of kihon (basics).

The two-day seminar may seem rigid yet it is also a fun training to further understand aiki as a martial art. Aikido weapons Bokken (samurai wooden sword) and Jo (staff) will also be practiced.

Saito Soke is also hoping to reach all Aikido enthusiasts, from all dojos, regardless of rank and affiliation, to take part in this rare gathering.

Registration fee is pegged at P1,500 good for two days and P1,000 for those who wish to participate for only one day. Group of six can take advantage of a special group price of only P3,000. For more details, contact 09153637787. /CORRESPONDENT GLENDALE G. ROSAL