Good catch

The fingers must rest on the stitching. The football is a symmetrical oval which narrows into its opposite ends. The object is to throw the ball making sure it will not tumble end on end on its trajectory. A throw like that is almost impossible to catch well.

What you want to do is to spin the ball in the same axis as the line of its intended trajectory. This way the oval ball will cut the air like a spinning bullet or an arrow. It will travel a smooth graceful trajectory on its way to the catch.

The football is not easy to throw. It seems too heavy unless you know how to throw it correctly. And then you will see it is not heavy at all. It has exactly the right mass to throw well. But you need to know how. Start by holding it correctly in your hand. Remember to rest your four fingers on the stitching. The thumb rests at its opposite side around the ball. This way you have a good grip on the ball. If you have small hands, move your grip to the smaller ends of the oval ball.

You have to stretch you arms as far backwards as it will comfortably go. The ball would be behind your head. If you’re right-handed, your left foot will be in front of you, your right foot behind you. Step forward with your right foot as you throw the ball with your right hand. This way your whole body down to your feet helps move the ball forward into its flight path. Do not jerk your arms into the throw. The throw must be one complete, smooth and graceful movement which goes into a flick of the fingers which gives the ball its spin. There is something called a follow through to help you control the ball. The good throw does not end after you release the ball into the air. The hands and arms continue into the movement completing the full throwing stroke.

And now to catch the ball. Remember, Linya and Elias, that it is all a question of transferring inertia from one mass to another. The ball is flying through the air. It is spinning. And the inflated rubber can pack quite a lot of weight. And you cannot fight against it. You cannot let it bounce off your hands. If you do, it will jar and hurt you. You must ease it into the good catch. Your hands must be moving in the same direction as the ball. The ball’s inertia must ease into you, not just your hands but your whole body including your feet. You are many times heavier than the ball. The ball will seem light to your catch but only if all of you, mind and body, do the catching.

Move your feet. The reason why they call it football is because the feet are the most important instrument you have. True, the hands catch the ball. But before they can do that well, the feet must take them to where they should be. Your feet must position your whole body to make the good catch.

Stand on your toes. Not on your heels. This way the feet are ready to move all the time. Don’t think too much about what your feet should do to catch the ball well. It just takes a bit of practice and then your feet will know exactly what to do every time. Your body is always a good learner. Learn to trust it well. Learn how to take a few risks with it. Enjoy moving all of it. Football is really a form of dancing.

But remember always, never forget: keep your eyes on the ball. Learning how to catch the ball is learning how to keep your eyes on it from start to finish. Watch the ball even before the passer throws it. In time you will learn how to guess where the ball will go just by watching how the thrower positions his or her body. Watch the ball at the start of its flight all the way until it comes to your hands and even a few moments after that. Your eyes  guide the rest of you through the catch.

Keep your eyes on the ball and the rest of your body will figure out what to do to catch the ball. It is a special form of thinking. It is not the same sort of thinking you do when you do math or science. But it is thinking nonetheless. It is quick automatic thinking very similar to the type of thinking you do when you make a painting or play a musical instrument like piano or violin. Do you think it’s easy to keep your eyes on the ball? The natural tendency is to close your eyes at some point when you are catching the ball. The eyes will blink from fear. Until you learn to love the ball you will be afraid of it. And this fear will make catching the ball painful. If you blink in the catch you are likely to make a mistake. Every mistake you make will hurt you.

Learning to catch the ball well is learning how to conquer your fears. If you learn how to conquer your fears you can do more things in your life. Learning to catch the ball is not only about sports it is also learning how to be a happy human being. It you are good at catch you have a better chance to be good at life.