DENR shows geohazard maps for barangays

THE Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Mines and Geosciences Bureau unveiled yesterday high-resolution geohazard maps to show areas at risk of landslides and floods in Cebu City and province.

The studies show that at least 19 of 80 barangays in Cebu City and 133 barangays in the province are highly vulnerable to these natural calamities.

The maps which use a scale of 1:10,000 provide detailed  data on locations in the barangay level, making them useful for community-based disaster risk reduction management planning.

The new geohazard maps aim to assess the floodplains and lowlands that are vulnerable to landslides brought about by above-normal rainfall during storms, said Emir Berador, chief geologist of MGB.

He said earlier geohazard maps with a 1:50,000 scale only show details of the municipalities or cities.

The MGB continues to do ground verification as part of ongoing research in of geohazards in all barangays.

He said this exercise will be finished by 2014.

Berador also said that in region 7, DENR has started to share the information with local government units (LGU).

He said LGUs must understand the importance of this program because barangay officials are expected to give disaster advisories to residents.

As part of the disaster risk reduction management program, barangays are expected to use geohazard maps to plan and preapre for calamities. /Correspondent Careen L. Malahay