Midas Marquez declines nomination to SC top post

Supreme Court administrator and former spokesperson Jose Midas Marquez. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO

MANILA, Philippines—Court Administrator Jose Midas Marquez has been nominated to replace former Chief Justice Renato Corona but HE immediately declined the nomination.

Marquez, the high court’s former spokesman has been nominated for the top judicial post by a certain Egay Bigay, the same person who nominated Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa. Ochoa also immediately declined the nomination.

Marquez, in a text message sent to reporters said “Thank you for the nomination but I will have to decline it. I lack the wisdom, qualities and experience to be a Chief Justice.”

Meanwhile, University of the East College of Law Dean Amado Valdez already accepted his nomination making the total of nominees who conformed to 14.

Also nominated for the Chief Justice post is Commission on Audit chief Grace Pulido Tan.