PCSO intelligence funds questioned in Senate probe

MANILA, Philippines – Senator Teofisto Guingona III on Thursday questioned the existence of intelligence fund of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO).

At the Senate blue ribbon committee hearing on the alleged questionable transactions in the PCSO, Guingona said that the PCSO had a total of P325 million budget from 2008 to 2010.

He broke the amount down as follows: P75 million in 2008; P90 million in 2009 and; P160 million in 2010.

Guingona, quoting the documents from the PCSO, said the intelligence funds were requested for initiatives against graft and corruption within the government agency.

Among those mentioned were the “unauthorized expenditures of endowment fund for charity patients and organizations”, the arrest of fixers and owners of drug stores selling medicines donated by the PCSO.

After three years and P325 million, Guingona asked whether these problems have been addressed or whether apprehensions have been made.