Soldier killed by suspected NPA rebels in Negros Occidental


MANILA, Philippines—A soldier of the Army’s 47th Infantry Battalion was killed by suspected New People’s Army rebels Tuesday morning in Negros Occidental, the military said.

Private First Class John Ilisan, a member of the Peace and Development Team was unarmed when he was shot to death by the rebels at Sitio Camboguiot,  Camindangan village in Sipalay City at about 8 a.m., said Major Enrico Ileto of the 3rd Infantry Division.

Ilisan was with his fellow soldier to go to the market to buy food for their team, Ileto said.

Ilisan was in the area to help the farmers of villages Camindangan and Manlukahok, Sipalay City on their land ownership and tenurial concerns.

At least three men were involved in the shooting of the soldier who was hit in the head, causing his instantaneous death, Christopher Cunanan, 303rd Infantry Brigade spokesman.

“We are saddened with what happened because the soldier was doing peace and development work in the area,” he said.

“The killing of Pfc Ilisan who is doing community peace and development works is not only an attack to the unit but to the farmers and the peace loving people of Sipalay City. This is a plain display of desperation on the part of the NPA who cannot accept that they are already alienated from the farmers’ support,” Colonel Oscar Lactao, 303rd Infantry Brigade Commander, said. Carla P. gomez, Inquirer Visayas