‘Quezon’s 2 in 1’ starts

LUCENA CITY—Thousands of residents of the province of Quezon are expected to take part in a massive mangrove-planting campaign of the provincial government on June 30.

The campaign’s target is to plant at least 2 million mangrove trees in one day along the province’s 1,066-kilometer  coastline.

Dubbed “Quezon’s 2 in 1,” the campaign’s main objective is to show that the people of Quezon are united in the effort to protect the province’s coastline, said Gov. David Suarez.

“Everything is now ready. Everybody is eager to participate in a historical undertaking for the sake of the environment and our province,” said the governor at the program’s launch here on Thursday.

Quezon is the eighth-largest province in the country with an area of 892,601 hectares or 8,926 square kilometers.

Senior Supt. Valeriano de Leon, Quezon police chief, said the entire Quezon police force would join the mass tree planting and urged his men to bring their families along.