Habal driver killed in bike collision

A 47-YEAR-OLD habal-habal (motorcycle-for-hire) driver was killed while another habal-habal driver was wounded after their motorcycles collided in barangay Inayagan, Naga City, southern Cebu.

Rene Alfante of barangay Cantao-an, Naga, did not reach the hospital alive.

The other driver, Cristian Largo, 22, sustained bruises in the body and was confined at the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center in Cebu City.

Police said Largo will be charged for reckless imprudence resulting in homicide.

Police said the accident happened while Largo was driving home. Largo came from a drinking session in barangay Guindaruhan, Minglanilla town, past 8 p.m. on Wednesday.

Police said drunkenness may have caused Largo to lose control of the motorcycle.

Largo’s motorcycle swerved to the opposite lane and collided with Alfante’s motorcycle./REPORTER RHEA RUTH V. ROSELL