Man shot dead in Carreta

A 30-YEAR-OLD man was shot dead after he figured in an argument with a man in barangay Carreta, Cebu City.

Godly Colina Inting, 30, was shot in the chest and died  a few minutes after he was brought to the Cebu Doctors’ Hospital.

The suspect, Danilo Alcachupas, fled after the attack, said police.

Before the shooting, Inting had a heated argument with a certain Opao whom Alcachupas defended.

The argument stopped when barangay tanods intervened.

Police said Inting was walking in an alley to sitio Ponce when he was shot with an improvised shotgun.

Leame Duarte Matibagon, his 18-year-old girlfriend, told police Inting and Opao argued over shabu. /CORRESPONDENT CHITO O. ARAGON