Businessman files motion to intervene in usurpation case

THE former lead counsel in the late Vice Gov. Gregorio Sanchez Jr.’s accroachment or usurpation of authority case and a businessman filed a motion for intervention on the usurpation case.

Lawyer Oliveros Kintanar and Crisologo Saavedra, who was also a former consultant of the late Vice Governor Sanchez filed their petition before the office of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) 7 last Friday.

Kintanar, whose services as lead counsel in the usurpation case was terminated by Sanchez’s daughter Grecylda “Gigi” Sanchez-Zaballero, will be the legal counsel for the internenor, who is Saavedra.

In its motion, Saavedra insisted that being a “taxpayer,” this case was a matter of “public interest” and he had the right to intervene in the case.

Saavedra said in his motion that the administrative complaint for “abuse of authority, oppression, misconduct in office, gross negligence or dereliction of duty” he filed with the office of the President was “identical to the causes of action” of the “accroachment” case of the late vice governor Sanchez.

Under the law, a motion for intervention may be filed if a person who is not a party to a lawsuit in progress wants to become a party.

Such a party must file a motion to intervene. Generally, to be admitted into the lawsuit, the intervenor must have an interest in the subject matter of the original suit.

Saavedra, was one of the witnesses presented during the marathon hearings at DILG 7 last month.

Saavedra together with former Sanchez’s staff, Ferliza Contratista was summoned to the witness stand.

Sanchez-Zaballero said in a text message to Cebu Daily News that Saavedra and Kintanar had “no basis”to intervene in the case.

In an earlier interview, Gigi when asked if she would still include Saavedra in their list of witnesses said that “she will leave it up to her lawyer”.

During the formal investigation last month, Saavedra’s affidavit was questioned for its “factuality” since he could not present an evidence to support his claims.

Kintanar was the lead counsel in the case until June 9 when Gigi terminated his services, citing “differences in principle.”

Gigi said she was not aware of the motion for intervention filed by Saavedra together with her former lawyer, Kintanar.

She said she will confer with her lawyers if Saavedra and Kintanar had any right to intervene in the case. /Reporter Ador Vincent S. Mayol

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