Manila police hunt cop tagged in Sta. Ana robbery

MANILA, Philippines— Manila Police District operatives have launched a manhunt for a co-policeman allegedly involved in a robbery last week of a Sta. Ana, Manila home, its spokesman said Tuesday.

Chief Inspector Erwin Margarejo identified the subject of the intensive search as Police Officer 3 Morris Guillermo Malindog.

Margarejo said Malindog was positively identified by Marc and Shental Bagui, and Patricia Velzy as among the men who  broke into their house on Paco Roman Street last May 30 through a photo in the Philippine National Police Personal Data Sheet.

The document was shown to Baguis and Velzy by Senior Superintendent Robert Po, chief of the MPD’s District Directorial Staff.

Malindog’s alleged accomplices, Police Robert Cruz of Sta. Ana police station and Barangay (village) ex-officio officer Regente Balin Osalla, were arrested last Friday and Saturday, respectively.

Margarejo said Cruz was arrested inside the police station, while Osalla was nabbed while manning traffic on Pasig-Line Street in Sta. Ana. Some of the stolen items were recovered from him.

“They were really caught unaware,” Margarejo said, adding that they made off with around P1.5 million-worth of items.

“The MPD leadership does not condone the illicit acts within our ranks. We will arrest anyone who has violated the law,” Po said in a statement. “It is unfortunate these unguided Manila cops are getting involved in crimes; we will not tolerate this,” he added.

Cases of robbery in band and violation of Republic Act 7610 were filed against the suspects before the Manila Prosecutors Office, Margarejo said.