Architect to present case study of eco townhouse dev’t in Cebu

ARCHITECT James Galias Jao will present a case study of an eco townhouse development in Cebu using the ‘thermawall’ technology by Sterling in partnership with James Hardie Philippines.

As a proponent of the eco house in the Philippines, Jao, an alumnus of The London School of Economics and Political Science with a masters degree in City Design and Social Science, will share his journey from the time he committed to being an eco architect with the launch of the LuzViMinda Eco House during the Manilacon 2008, followed by the Eco-Jao Bahay Kubo during the Manilacon 2009.

Jao will discuss the philosophy, approach and building technology involved in the construction of these housing developments.

Construction professionals involved in projects in Cebu and parts of the Visayas are invited to learn new concepts and new technologies at BCI Asia’s “City Series of Technology Road shows” today at the Marriott Hotel Ballroom 1.

For inquiries, fax 884-1121.