Calls to ‘move on, fight corruption’ follow big trial

PEOPLE from different  walks of life were eager to share their thoughts on the just concluded impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona.

Market vendors wondered why other politicians shouldn’t be punished.

Several elected officials said the important thing is to “move on”.

Cebu Gov. Gwendolyn Garcia, her younger brother Cebu 3rd district Rep. Pablo John Garcia and 1st district Rep. Eduardo Gullas said they were  relieved the long and politically divisive trial was over.

Governor  Garcia said she felt relieved, the “national distraction” was over.

“It is time to move on,” she said.

“Agree or disagree, the Senate was really just doing what is mandated by the 1987 Constitution,” said the governor who plans to run for a Senate seat next year.

Rep. Garcia said the Senate’s verdict should be respected and the country should now focus on “substantially addressing issues like poverty, joblessness and education.”

Rep. Gullas  said, “Let the nation move on now.”

Rep. Gabriel Luis Quisumbing of the  administration Liberal Party expressed happiness with the Senate’s guilty verdict.

“It is a strong statement for all public officials, especially those in high government offices to comply with Constitutional standards on public accountability,” Quisumbing said.

He also lauded the House of Representatives prosecution panel for their work. .

Vice Gov. Agnes Magpale shared his sentiment.

“I am happy with the results. Public accountability has been brought to a higher level,” she said.

Lapu-Lapu City Mayor Paz Radaza said she respects the 20-3 guilty verdict but that if she were a senator-judge she would have abstained.

“It reminds me of my responsibility to my constituents and to be transparent.”

Radaza said she is willing to disclose her peso and dollar bank accounts.

Police Regional Office 7 (PRO-7) director Chief Supt. Marcelo Garbo said  the impeachment trial taught the value of honesty and sincerity in public service.

“It was also a reminder to one and all that no one is above the law.

Common Tao

On Colon Street, fruit vendor Virginia Lastonia said “justice was served, Corona was corrupt.”

Minerva Badayao who also sells fruits in Carbon market was  not fully satisfied. “Suporta gyud ko sa guilty, pero kulang. Nganong si Corona ra man? Daghan man kaayo kurakot sa goberno.” (I support the guilty verdict, but it is not enough. Why only Corona? There are so many corrupt public officials.)

University of San Jose Recoletos USJR) security guard Gina Enerlam agreed.. “Dapat apil unta iyang mga alyado nga kurakot” (His corrupt allies should have been included too).

Two  other USJR security guards Gina Abuzo and Romly Israel,  said it should not have taken a long time to find Corona guilty.

Church worker Luigi Flores said it was a painful process. It could have been done better, but nonetheless the truth came out.

If it proved something, Flores said, “God is alive in our democracy.”/Reports from Carmel Loise Matus, Peter L. Romanillos, Fe Marie D. Dumaboc, Chito O. Aragon and Careen Malahay