Microsoft introduces new server

TO help local businesses keep up with technology without affecting operational cost, Microsoft Philippines brought to Cebu its latest server technology through its Server Summit 2012.

The SQL Server 2012, Microsoft’s latest server was introduced in the forum last week.

Server Virtualization technology involves the creation of software and hardware allowing the maximum use of the capacity of a single physical server, said Joel H. Garcia, Microsoft Philippines Server & Tools Business Group Lead.

With this, customers could approach cloud (computing) opportunities, whether private or public, on their own terms supported by advanced capabilities giving them confidence to achieve their goals.

Cloud computing involves the use of remote servers and hosted services over the Internet.

Aside from the newly introduced SQL Server 2012, the software company is still banking on the application of Microsoft Server 2008 R2 called Hyper-V.

Hyper-V enables multiple server storage allowing maximum usage of one physical server thereby minimizing operating cost, Garcia said.

Not everyone, he said, is aware that the application comes free with the purchase of Microsoft Server 2008 R2.

The company would often get inquiries about a separate purchase of Hyper-V application.

Because of this, Microsoft came with the campaign “Just switch it on” referring to the free server application./Correspondent Jessa Marie Agua