No Meat Athlete

There’s a very good blog called No Meat Athlete ( which has tips on how to train for a road race, endurance run or even a triathlon and still subsist on a primarily vegetarian diet.

The blog advocates among athletes eating healthy plant-based food which leads to weight loss which often leads to increased speed, easier digestion and faster recovery after workout, improved energy levels but with reduced impact on the planet. But what I love most about No Meat Athlete are the motivational articles on training.

“Dear Motivation” is one such article written by the resident triathlete of No Meat Athlete, Susan Lacke – a runner and triathlete from Arizona and also writes for Competitor magazine. It’s my favorite especially now that I have runner’s blues and can’t wait to finish my first trimester and get back on the road and because of sentimental reasons.

“Dear Motivation

I miss you so much.

I’d do anything to get you back. If I could wipe the slate clean and turn back time, I would. What happened? Last summer we had such passion. We’d wake up early in the morning eager to run. You looked so pretty in the light of the dawn. I’d get butterflies in my stomach while thinking about my evening workout, giddy to be reunited with you again after a long day at work. I’d stay up late at night, giggling as I read through running websites for the latest tips on to how to best make you happy.

I loved you, Motivation. But somewhere along the way, the flame started to burn out.

It wasn’t for lack of trying. Autumn came, and those early-morning runs were so dark and cold. We tried to keep the passion alive by being more spontaneous. I took you to new places, tried new experiences and we even had whirlwind afternoon track sessions that left me breathless – but even then, we were just going through the motions. You and I both knew it, but didn’t want to say it.

Winter hasn’t been very kind to us. I tried to spice up our relationship with sexy new gear and bright headlamps. I sensed a spark when I first walked out in that new attire, but the buckles and zippers proved to be cumbersome and awkward. The sexy gear now sits in a heap in the corner, dejected.

We’re fighting more than usual now. When the alarm clock goes off, we go back and forth about getting out of bed to run. We get defensive and call each other names, and then we just give up and stop talking to each other, sometimes for weeks.

But I still I think of you every day, Motivation. I can’t listen to the radio anymore—every song reminds me of you and the amazing tempo runs we used to have. Sometimes I put on my running shoes, just to see if you’ll respond. But I always chicken out and take them off before you answer. I’ve started an affair with chocolate and my couch, but it just doesn’t fulfill me like you used to.

I understand you need some time to yourself to think. I got complacent in our relationship and didn’t treat you as well as I should have. If you come back to me, I swear, I’ll never take you for granted again. I promise I can change. Just give me a chance. The spring marathon season is coming soon and I’ve got a few races that I think you’ll really like. What do you say?

Let’s recapture the magic. Meet me in the park at dawn tomorrow. I promise you won’t regret it.”

Registration for CUC 100

The Cebu Ultrarunners Club is now accepting participants to the first CUC 100KM Ultramarathon. This ultramarathon will start and end in in Pinamungahan town from 6 p.m. of June 30 until 2 p.m. of July 1. Passing through five towns in Southern Cebu, runners have 20 hours to finish the race. There will be aid stations every 10k but runners may be assisted by their own support crew.

The race is limited to 100 runners only. It pays to register early. The first 50 get to pay the early bird rate of P1,200 while the other half will have to pay P1,500. Finishers will get a medal, finisher’s shirt, post-race meal and lifelong bragging rights of having run 100 kilometers of road. Registration is on-going at Runnr in Ayala Center Cebu.

Twin tracks