Farmer accused of raping girl

Police are hunting a farmer accused of raping her deaf-mute neighbor in a mountain Cebu City barangay.

The 16-year-old girl gave birth late last month but the baby died. The girl was seven months pregnant when she gave birth.

The girl’s parents didn’t know that their their daughter was raped until her stomach became big.

The father said her daughter brought him to a shanty where she was allegedly raped.

Janice Aparri, a deaf-mute interpreter, said that according to the victim she was walking along a road when the suspect poked a knife at her, dragged her to the shanty and raped her.

PO3 Floripes Mancio of the Women s and Children’s Protection Desk (WCPD) of the Cebu City Police Office (CCPO) said rape charges are being prepared against the suspect.

The girl was brought to the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center (VSMMC) for a medical examination. It was confirmed that the girl was sexually molested.

The father said he immediately went to the suspect’s house after learning the incident but he was no longer there.CORRESPONDENT CHITO O. ARAGON

French national found dead

A 45-YEAR-OLD French national was found dead by his live-in partner in their rented apartment in barangay Banilad, Mandaue City.

Jean Ludovic Estingoy had no external wounds when he was found by Jade Marie Tiukinhoy inside their room around 5 p.m. last Monday.

Tiukinhoy sought help of neighbors and brought Estingoy to a hospital where the foreigner was declared dead by attending physician.

There was no indication of foul play in the foreigner’s death, said Insp. Ramil Morpos.

Police said the body will be autopsied to determine the cause of death.

Morpos said immigration records showed that Estinghoy had been overstaying in the country.

Police said Estinghoy and his Filipina wife separated some four years ago.CORRESPONDENT NORMAN V. MENDOZA