Love indeed knows no age: Senior citizen couple marries after 47 years

Evelyn and Selwyn, 65, prove that age and distance don’t hinder a love that is sweeter the second time around. Video courtesy of Kit Avanceña. Graphics: Kathy Baugbog/ trainee

Evelyn and Selwyn, 65, prove that age and distance don’t hinder a love that is sweeter the second time around. Video courtesy of Kit Avanceña Films/Facebook. Graphics: Kathy Baugbog/ trainee

Deadlines and delays do not truly exist when it comes to love, especially when two people are destined to meet again after almost five decades of no communication.

Evelyn and Selwyn, both 65, are bear witnesses to a blindsiding love that is timeless and knows no age. For the couple, building a relationship in their 60s is just as sweet as during the 1970s.

“Love has no age requirement, as long as you love and respect each other… You don’t mind your age as long as you are together for life,” Evelyn said.

The couple is a testament to the idea that old age should not be a reason to give up on love.

For Selwyn, his wife is kind and considerate. Meanwhile, for Evelyn, her husband is caring and thoughtful.

And that was their turning point to marry again.

‘Maybe this time’

The couple was not lucky enough to spark their love in high school. Back then, they were not each other’s “right time” and “right person.”


Being schoolmates was the only connection Evelyn and Selwyn had during that time. They did not have the chance to get to know each other, but they once certainly bumped into each other in the hallways of their school.


After high school, Selwyn went abroad, created a life in another country, and eventually got married there. Meanwhile, Evelyn stayed in the province of Cebu, built a career, and later got married as well.


But fate knows its way to bind two souls who are deeply connected by true love.


Evelyn and Selwyn did not bid each other goodbyes for a reason. Little did they know that their paths would cross again 47 years later, this time as widowed senior citizens.


Selwyn returned to the Philippines in 2022 but had no plans to stay for good—not until he had a chance to reconnect with Evelyn.


“Our first meeting [was] sometime in October 2022, two days before my flight back to the States… We just talked for a little but we still didn’t click then,” he added.


Having no other reason to stay yet again, Selwyn went back abroad. But their distance did not become a barrier for him to get in touch with Evelyn again. 


Selwyn started messaging her online, and from then on, their small talks became conversations that sparked a love that was 47 years in the making. Soon after, Selwyn went back home.

Marriage hiccup

Getting real about marriage was not a walk in the park, especially when their own children were the ones who were in the way. They raised red flags, concerned about their parent’s health and the fear of rekindling a terrible past.

“[At first my children were against it] because of my health, you know I’m 65 years old, Selwyn might not be able to take care of me… That’s my children’s first concern,” Evelyn said.

“It’s not that they don’t like her, maybe they were just traumatized by their mother because they were having a hard time. Maybe they were afraid that what they experienced with their mother [would] be the same with Evelyn,” Selwyn said.

But this did not become a deal breaker for the couple as they tried to win the hearts of their children. Instead, they did the Filipino pre-wedding tradition “pamamanhikan” where they dedicated time to getting to know each other’s families.

“Evelyn’s children were shocked because I spoke to them directly [about marriage], without hesitation… They asked for a little time to get to know me,” Selwyn said.

“Take it easy. First, I asked if we could get into a relationship again. The second question for them is whether we can get married again,” he added.


Decided by fate

Evelyn and Selwyn’s love story showed that whatever’s meant to be will eventually find its way back, no matter how many decades it will take or how far their distance would be.

The couple believes that their love is bound to happen as they enter a new chapter of their lives. For them, love does not have a rulebook that states when someone can only experience and encounter the gift of love.

“Don’t be afraid as long as you know your partner is truthful and caring. As long as you love each other, don’t mind other people,” Evelyn said.

“If you really love each other, don’t think about other people even if you’re old. Think about the two of you because you are the ones who will be together,” Selwyn said.

The couple recently tied the knot on September 17. — Rachelle Anne Mirasol, INQUIRER trainee