3-day bar exam ends

2024 Bar Exams

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MANILA, Philippines — This year’s bar exam concluded on Sunday with a total of 10,490 examinees on its third and final day, said Associate Justice Mario Lopez, chair of the annual professional examination.

One examinee was allowed to continue her exam under medical supervision although she just had caesarean operation on Friday.

READ: Over 10,000 law grads are taking the Bar exams starting today (Sept. 8)

Lopez considered the exams a success and stressed the importance of keeping it shorter, digitalized and regionalized.

In 2023, only 3,812 out of 10,387 examinees passed the bar, or a passing rate of 33.77 percent. The results of this year’s exam will be released early December while the oathtaking and signing of the roll of attorneys is scheduled on Jan. 24, 2025. —Jane Bautista