Dead dolphin washed ashore in Bataan

Dead dolphin washes ashore on Bataan beach


MARIVELES, Bataan — A dead dolphin was found floating near a beach resort in front of the Freeport Area of Bataan in this town early Tuesday, Sept. 3.

Tito Pancho Catipon, municipal administrator of Mariveles, said in a phone interview that a resident reported the presence of a dead dolphin, measuring four to five feet in length.

The marine mammal had injuries, including a hole in the upper part of its body.

Catipon said the dead dolphin, which had begun to emit a foul odor, was buried in the town’s public cemetery after the local Department of Environment and Natural Resources personnel were notified.

He was still verifying reports of another dead dolphin sighting off Barangay Cabcaben in Mariveles.