Marcos: Declaring state of calamity in NCR under LGU’s prerogative

MANILA, Philippines — Declaring a state of calamity in Metro Manila is under the prerogative of local government executives, said President Ferdinand Marcos Jr on Wednesday.

Marcos said this after Interior Secretary Benhur Abalos Jr. recommended the declaration of a state of calamity in Metro Manila amid the heavy rain and flooding caused by Typhoon Carina and the southwest monsoon.

“No. Usually ang state of calamity is the LGU (local government unit) executive. ‘Pag regional, it’s because nagka-sabay-sabay. Magiging calamity sa ano, pagka three regions ang involved, then already the national has to come in. That’s a national calamity already. Wala na kaming choice doon,” said Marcos.

(Usually, the state of calamity is declared by the LGU executive. If it’s regional, it’s because it happened at the same time. It will be a calamity when three regions are involved, then already the national government has to come in. That’s a national calamity already. We have no choice there.)

“But it’s up to the local communities to decide because they know best, they know best what they need,” he added.

He, however, assured the public that the government is already working on the funds the LGUs can access should a state of calamity be declared.

Many parts of Metro Manila have already been flooded by rains since Tuesday due to Carina and the habagat, rendering several roads impassable.

READ: LIST: Impassable roads outside of Metro Manila

As of 11:00 a.m., Carina was last spotted 345 kilometers north-northeast of Itbayat, Batanes, packing maximum sustained winds of 165 kilometers per hour (kph) near the center and gusts of up to 205 kph, the state weather bureau said.

LIVE UPDATES: Typhoon Carina