183 out of 853 pass 2024 Shari’ah Bar Exam, most of them women

2024 Shari'ah Bar exam


MANILA, Philippines — A total of 183 out of 853, or 21.45 percent of the examinees passed the 2024 Shari’ah Bar Examination, with 62.3 percent being women.

Supreme Court Associate Justice Maria Filomena Singh, Chairperson of the 2024 Shari’ah Bar Examination, said that “62.3 percent of the total passers are female. I’m very happy to announce that. Again, 62.3 percent of the passers are female.”

Nine of the top 10 examinees are also female. The top 10 are:

The full list of passers can be accessed by clicking this link.

“Regardless of your results today, whether you pass or you don’t, all of you deserve to be congratulated for your faith, for your determination and hard work, and for your fortitude,” Singh said.

“You are here now because of everyone who believed in you and because you chose to believe in yourselves. Take this opportunity to celebrate yourselves with your families, friends, loved ones, and enjoy the fruits of your labor,” she added.

The Shari’ah Bar Exam is separate from the regular Bar Examination. Shari’ah Bar is also a licensure examination that covers Islamic Law. The first Shari’ah Bar Examination was conducted in 1983.

This year’s examination, according to Singh, was a lot of “first.”

She said this year’s exam was the first time that the chair was a Supreme Court Associate Justice.

This year’s exam was also the first to be regionalized and digitalized. The exam was conducted in two local testing centers — Ateneo De Davao University and University of the Philippines – Diliman.

Examinees were also allowed to use computers, although some opted to take the exam by hand in Arabic.

READ: 852 aspiring lawyers to take 2024 Shari’ah Bar exam

Next year’s Shari’ah Bar will be chaired by Associate Justice Antonio Kho, Jr.

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