Comelec runs mock polls in Tawi-Tawi as part of 2025 election plans

The Commission on Elections conducted a two-day “mock election” and voter education seminar in Tawi-Tawi on July 4 and 5.

The Commission on Elections holds a two-day “mock election” and voter education seminar in Tawi-Tawi on July 4 and 5, 2024, as part of its preparations for the 2025 midterm polls. (Photo courtesy of Comelec)

MANILA, Philippines — The Commission on Elections (Comelec) conducted a two-day “mock election” and voter education seminar in Tawi-Tawi as it aims for smooth midterm elections in remote areas next year.

Comelec chief George Erwin Garcia and representatives from Miru Systems Co. Ltd. and iOne Resources Inc. led the simulated election in the province on Thursday, July 4, and Friday, July 5, to demonstrate to the public and allow them to try the automated counting machines (ACMs) that will be used in the 2025 national and local elections (NLE) next year.

“Well, maliit na mock election ang ita-try natin upang makita at ma-observe ng lahat ng mga kababayan natin na,’Oy, bakit ganito to, bakit ganyan ‘yan?’” Garcia said in an ambush interview on Friday, referring to questions that might arise from voters while using the ACMs.

(Well, we will try a small mock election so that all our countrymen can see and observe, ‘Hey, why is this like that? Why is that like this?’)

“Kahit papaano, we can criticize, we can observe, and at the same time, magkaroon ng adjustment kung kinakailangan,” he continued.

(In any case, we can criticize, observe, and at the same time make adjustments if necessary.)

READ: Comelec: Preparations for 2025 midterm polls on track

In February, Comelec awarded the contract for the ACMs and other paraphernalia for the 2025 midterm polls to a joint venture led by South Korean company Miru Systems Co. Ltd.

In April, Comelec issued a notice of award to the joint venture of iOne Resources Inc. and Ardent Networks Inc. to provide secure electronic transmission services for next year’s polls.

The Commission on Elections holds a two-day “mock election” and voter education seminar in Tawi-Tawi on July 4 and 5, 2024, as part of its preparations for the 2025 midterm polls. (Photo courtesy of Comelec)

During the interview, Garcia mentioned that weak signal connections and the distance of each town in Tawi-Tawi are the main challenges that the province may face in the elections.

He emphasized that the mock election was beneficial as it provided a preview of how things will run on the actual election day on May 12, 2025.

“Kinakailangan masubukan muna natin para makita na hindi naman tayong nagkamali sa pinili natin na transmission provider,” Garcia said.

(We need to try it first to see that we did not make a mistake in choosing our transmission provider.)

READ: Comelec wants AI ban on campaign materials ahead of 2025 polls

Participants to the the simulated polls only used the ballot for the NLE and not the ballot for the parliamentary elections in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) which also take place next year.

BARMM’s first-ever parliamentary election will likewise be held on May 12, 2025. Eighty seats in the Parliament, comprising 40 party representatives, 32 district representatives, and eight sectoral representatives, will be filled up via the election.

Comelec notes minor glitch

Garcia said in another ambush interview that the automated counting machine used in Simunul town encountered a minor glitch due to a power interruption.

He then assured the public that a power interruption would not affect the actual elections next year.

“Diyan po kanina sa Simunul [municipality] mayroong inisyal na glitch na nakita. Bigla kasi na natanggal ‘yung saksak ng machine at unfortunately wala tayong dalang battery dito na gagamitin sa makina sapagkat bawal pong isakay kasi sa eroplano,” he explained.

(Earlier in Simunul, an initial glitch was observed. The machine was suddenly unplugged, and unfortunately, we didn’t have a battery with us to use for the machine because it’s not allowed to be carried on the plane.)

He added that Comelec plans to bring and demonstrate the ACMs to different parts of the country.