Netizens share heartwarming tributes on Pet Remembrance Day

Netizens observe Pet Remembrance Day by sharing pictures and messages for their departed fur babies

Netizens observe Pet Remembrance Day by sharing pictures and messages for their departed fur babies to

It is entirely valid and understandable if you still feel the pangs of loss of your furry friend who crossed the rainbow bridge and left an indescribable pawprint in your heart.

In observance of Pet Remembrance Day, today, July 5, is the fur-fect time to reminisce about our pets’ unconditional love while feeling the sorrow of their loss. Photos that were once filled with color can turn black and white for every grieving pet owner.

Whether your pet was furry, slimy or had wings, the memories it left behind will linger for a lifetime, and one way to cope is to remember it. Many pet owners find comfort in talking to others who have experienced the same loss, as they truly understand the heartache.

Here are some “paw-some” memories netizens have shared on Facebook.

Facebook user Evelyn Dela Cruz Caracas shares a photo of her late fur baby, Baste.

Facebook user Blanche Basa shows a shrine of the late pet “Maki-Lit.”

Facebook users comment heartfelt messages for their fur babies.

Facebook users dedicate messages for their late cats.

Facebook user MSmaria Alcarez Reyes thanks pet dog for saving her daughter’s life.

Remember, a mixture of love and grief can coexist in remembering your pets, as the longing will never vanish—it just takes time to accept that a pet who kept you company is now across the rainbow bridge. — Cyril Buenaflor, INQUIRER trainee